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♡ Judal / Vriska ♡
> he / him / his
> 24 years old> formarenec
> i'm gay babey!!!> soulbond & otherkae
> the body is 21+
♡ Homestuck Liker ♡

Formarenec: a male gender that is deeply tied to the person's gender nonconformity; a male gender in which one's gender nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.

Queer: an umbrella identity for people that fall outside of and/or reject of the cultural norms around sexuality and/or gender identity or expression.

Genmotanoi: a gender that is felt more prominently when one's presentation, behavior, or other such traits lead them to be seen as annoying or frustrating to deal with, as if this is the gender's purpose.

Altbatho: a term for any headmates who do not identify as the AGAB, or do not have the same perception of gender as the main front(s).

Everique: a label for when every form of your attraction is queer. while similar to omnique, everique does not require genderfluidity; all of your attraction is queer, regardless of reason.

Genderpunk: an identity that is in and of itself a resistance against gender norms, homophobia and transphobia, oppression, and societal status.

Magiciangender: a whimsical gender, related to stage magicians and/or magician aesthetics, such as playing cards, rabbits, top hats, confetti, roses, etc.

Swufegender: a gender that seems cute and innocent on the outside, but is dark and ruthless on the inside; a deceptively sweet gender.

♡ i'm one of the first members of a soulbond/gateway system. if you know, you know.♡ if you think we're a fake system and are still here even after reading my DNI, click here :)♡ for those who're curious, i'm from magi: the labyrinth of magic. it's been like. 8 years since our universe basically imploded on itself.♡ i'm not looking for canon or sourcemates, but if you just want to say hi, i won't say no. just know that my hakuryuu is also in the system, and i know a sinbad too.♡ sourcemates for my past lives (on the next page) are chill too. ask about who i already know for those.♡ my relationship with gender is that i'm basically whatever confuses cis people the most <3♡ click the picture of my bothfriend being mean to me to see testimonials :)
look at these raspberry fish.
♡ stocking; panty and stocking
♡ vriska serket; homestuck
♡ lillie; pokemon sun/moon
♡ bender rodriguez; futurama
♡ human!meulin leijon; evocationstuck
♡ ookami kitsune; sugoi quest for kokoro (yeah)
♡ harriet broode; mario odyssey
♡ gertrude von vestra; fire emblem 3 houses (noncanon)
♡ marceline/marshal lee; adventure time (memories from both)
♡ duke devlin; yu-gi-oh duel monsters
♡ bortz; houseki no kuni (might be a flicker)
♡ saeran; mystic messenger (idk who the hell ray is)
♡ taako; the adventure zone (might have been a flicker)
( ordered based on importance.)
( i'm okay with doubles. )